Oxygen, the Answer for Cancer

Oxygen, the Answer for Cancer

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Publisher? Note

Cancer definitely has its own cause. We need to know it to cure it. If we don?, and if we don? know it and keep the treatment going, we can? really remove cancer since its recurrence is so natural. If you are a cancer patient receiving anticancer treatments, you need to know what the treatment is really doing to your body because the so-called anticancer medication might be toxic to your body and it might negatively influence your other normal cells as well.

U.S. National Cancer Institute has declared the failure of modern medicine on cancer cure. They said they cannot find out how cancer is caused, developed or spread. Meanwhile, numerous cancer patients rely their lives on such people who do not even know the cause of their illness.

Anticancer medication, radiotherapy, or surgery do not cure the cause of cancer. They only remove the affected parts. Removing the ill part of the body does not mean that the cancer is removed completely, which means its recurrence is possible and probable.

The only cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Stress, oxygen radicals, smoking, drinking, overworking, heavy metals, chemicals, and ultraviolet rays are known as possible causes of cancer, yet they all relate to oxygen deficiency. Anticancer medication and radiation particularly bring chronic and fatal oxygen deficiency.

Some symptoms of oxygen deficiency are pain, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and dizziness, which most of the patients under anticancer treatment complain. Gas poisoning from coal briquettes brings the similar symptoms as well. In other words, patients are putting themselves into something like coal briquette gas poisoning in order to remove a few grams of cancer cells. This is exactly how you burn your house to fight mice away. Anticancer medicine? toxin is meant to kill cancer cells. However, due to its harsh side effects, scientists have tried to reduce its level of poison, but it turned out that we need it longer to achieve the goal now. It took two to three months previously for the treatment to work, but now it takes several years. During the process, cancer cells become dormant to survive the harsh medication, and normal cells get exposed to the poison of the medicine, which causes the recurrence of cancer. This is all due to the ignorance of the actual cause of cancer.

According to Okayama University hospital? one-year-long analysis of cancer patients?charts, 80% of the patients have died of side effects of anticancer drugs, not the cancer. They died of pneumonia, hospital infection, anhematopoiesis, cardiac standstill, acute renal failure, uremia, shock death, and cerebral infarction.

Anticancer treatment creates a lot of oxygen radicals, which in turn produces lipid peroxides, or oxidized LDL. Lipid peroxides destroys blood vessels, causes circulatory disturbances, and causes general oxygen deficiency throughout the whole body. This leads to incomplete energy metabolism in each and every organ, causing them to malfunction, which takes away the oxygen from brain cells as well. Not only that, oxygen radicals weaken immunity and turn the body structure into a ?ro-cancer?state. Unfortunately, cancer patients are not aware of this. Even U.S. National Cancer Institute is not aware of this.

Some cancer patients might complain, ?nticancer treatment only caused recurrence,??ancer spread,?or ? will die of the side effects.?But they don? really care why they are in such a worse condition or how the current treatment affected their own body.

Knowing the cause of cancer will give you the answers to your questions. You need to at least try to look for the answer for the sake of your own body. You need to listen to the truth ?the truth about how your normal cells are treated ? instead of just focusing on destroying the ill ones.

Many people think that cancer will kill eventually. However, this is a lie. A human will not die of some grams of cancer. You can survive with less than two legs or two arms, so it is nonsense to think that less than a ten thousandth of your body will kill you. Indeed, human will die of lack of oxygen in the brain cells. Anticancer treatment is dangerous because it endangers normal cells for the sake of killing cancer cells.

The pain you get from cancer is a signal from cells that needs more oxygen. If you can solve oxygen deficiency, cancer cells will change into normal ones and will not give you pain anymore. This is how many patients cured themselves. Instead of trying to destroy cancer cells, try make all the cells healthier by providing with more oxygen. This does not always mean living in forest. You can provide oxygen with exterior factors like moving to a healthier place, but you can also provide more oxygen through changing your body structure into an oxygen-friendly one ?that is, your body needs to be able to more efficiently deliver and absorb oxygen.

This book gives you an explanation of what cancer is, what causes it, and what cures it. Many people commonly think of stress, smoking, oxygen radicals, chemicals, radiation or heavy metals when it comes to the cause of cancer. But this book specifically relates these factors to the direct cause of cancer, which is oxygen deficiency. Also, it introduces some curing ways to cancer, which is to resolve oxygen deficiency by consuming anticancer food like green tea, garlic, and ginseng.

This book also analyzes how everyday habits can cause or prevent cancer. Not only does it disprove commonly-mistaken theories of endless proliferation, inheritance, and spread of cancer cells with logic, experiments and examples, but also it proves the danger of early discovery of cancer and challenges the modern science with an idea that cancer cells can turn into normal cells. Finally, the author proposes a new model of cancer cure that protects the cancer cells instead of killing them.

As forming a one big picture of new idea, this book is to be read from the beginning to the end, or readers will find it hard to grasp the author? point. As it focuses on how to fundamentally answer all those unanswered question in modern medicine, anyone with logical reasoning can understand the idea without much trouble. And if you understand this book, you will be able to understand the fundamental ways to cure not only cancer, but also all diseases. In other words, cancer patients will be aware of how to cure their own cancer; doctors in the field of traditional medicine, alternative medicine, integrated medicine and oriental medicine will be able to understand the fundamentals of their treatments and distinguish which treatmentis better for which illness; and the doctors in modern medicine will finally understand the endless cancer recurrence and be able to have an idea of a new model for cancer cure.

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